Fun things to do this winter
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Many of us like to eat cashew nuts but are not aware of the benefits of eating this type of nut as well as the harmful effects of eating too much. Cashew nuts, though not comparable to many other nuts, contain the top antioxidants omega-3, omega-6 and many other nutrients. Cashew nuts are rich in copper minerals, an essential component of many enzymes.

1. Eating nuts helps prevent cancer

Cashew kernels contain proanthocyanidins – proven flavanols that prevent cancer cells from reproducing and destroying cancer cells.

In the equivalent of 1 oz (28g) of cashews provides 37.5% daily to help prevent cancer cells from growing. Several different types of cancer can be reduced by eating cashews such as colon, prostate and tumor, preventing them from dividing further.

There have been a number of scientific studies showing that the high copper content in cashews also helps to avoid free radicals as well as provide a source of phytochemicals and beneficial antioxidants for the body.

2. Eat peaches good for nerves

Not only is it good for people with cancer, it also helps keep the nervous system healthy because it is high in magnesium. This is one of the top uses of eating cashew.

The high magnesium content in cashew kernels provides a lot of benefits for the nervous system and muscles. Magnesium helps keep blood vessels and muscles relaxed and relaxed by slowing the flow of calcium into nerve cells, reducing the frequency of migraine attacks, lowering blood pressure and helping to prevent heart attacks.

If there is too little magnesium, it means that your body has too much calcium, which can lead to nerve damage. Magnesium deficiency also leads to hypertension, migraines, muscle tension and fatigue.

3. Improve brain function

Peanuts, chestnuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and other nuts are all good for your brain.

In the composition of these nuts, most are full of omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin B6 and folate.

And what is known is nuts rich in omega and magnesium, which can help increase oxygen to the brain. Cashews also play an important role in improving memory. This is due to polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats – two types of fat that have an effect on brain cell production. The great thing is that cashews are high in both types of fat. The nutrients in the kernel help you to be more lucid, especially making the brain think positively against depression

4. Nourishes hair and beautifies the skin

In cashew kernels are rich in copper content, this is an important component to make tyrosinase.

This is an enzyme that converts tyrosin to melanin, which helps shape hair color and protect human skin. Should incorporate the personality of the diet menu to have a beautiful skin and hair.

5. Maintain good heart health

Like some other nuts such as macadamia, almonds, chestnuts, … cashews are also good for heart health.

In cashew nuts rich in monounsaturated fatty acids oleic and linoleic acid, palmintoleic helps lower LDL cholesterol (or bad cholesterol) levels, reduce the risk of low-density lipoprotein, reduce blood triglyceride levels, keep fruits A healthy heart prevents coronary artery disease, which reduces heart disease.